Speaking Engagements

“Vision is the ability to talk about the future with such clarity it’s as if we’re talking about the past.”

Possessing the rare combination of contagious energy, enthusiasm and confidence, Deborah LeBlanc shows individuals and organizations alike that there is an absolute advantage to being different. She injects people with fascinating ideas and techniques that will overturn attitude gridlock and transform hurdles into mere stepping stones. Most of all, she demonstrates how your own uniqueness can give you the courage and confidence to tackle any of life’s challenges. She combines memorable storytelling, group hypnosis along with humor, warmth, and a direct sincerity that breathes life and energy into such concepts as: The Power Leader, Professional Growth One By One Concept, Profitable Idea Generation, and Crushing Limiting Belief Systems, which is an absolute necessity for optimizing change.

Deborah LeBlanc
    Those who teach and lead our youth today, face overwhelming challenges in helping to build a better world. This session shows you how to use your skills wisely in positive and productive ways. How to light individual fires of potential and build self-esteem that makes sense. Put more fresh air and purpose into your own life and the lives of those you come into contact with every day! The truth is that power already lives within you. You simply have to open the door to access it. What door you ask? The door within your mind that contains your uniqueness, that exquisite part of you. The Real You. The you who has been hiding behind that door, fearing to step out because it felt safer to stay inside. It’s time to release the true you that was always meant to be. Sometimes we forget how long it’s been since we closed that door and lost the key. Then, as the years tick by, we somehow convince ourselves that we never lost that key, or somehow came to believe that we never possessed it in the first place. By the time you hear this transformation message, you’ll not only be handed a new key, but will be anxious to set yourself free. For inside lives the real you. The one whose wholeness will generate and exude power in every life you touch and in ways that no one ever considered possible!
  • Hit A Bullseye Every Time You Shoot! (Customer Service)
    Today’s hot topic – How to propel your clients and customers into absolute fidelity to you and your brand! Out serve your competition by weaving closer ties with those who vote with their dollars. Build trust, loyalty, effectiveness, appeal, and profit. Put on customer glasses; see and grasp what your clients’ highest needs actually are. Discover the mindset and develop the skills to act on every aspect of doing it right the first time. Court your customers in the right way, and they will gladly say, “I do!”
  • The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side. (Sales and Branding)
    Is your “branding iron” hot? Are you effectively stamping your brand on everything you touch? In today’s global market, your closest competitors may be on the other side of the world as well as just around the corner. Every new day brings incredibly complex name recognition and selling challenges. Meet them head-on with strategies for delivering punch and impact to your sales and customer service roles. Master an MPT mindset for out-serving, out-selling, and out-branding your competition, and your clients will remain loyal to you year after year.
  • Road Under Construction—1 Mile Ahead.
    Ever notice that life rarely turns out as expected? Who’ll ever forget Covid? Make the odd twists on your route in life positive and move forward with confidence as you learn how to re-route yourself towards massive success! Learn how to rethink your guidance system, for it’s often overlooked as we roam about, layering more “stuff” on top of what is already there. We forget to consider our own mileposts, speed limits and passing zones. LeBlanc approaches this intriguing life-mapping exercise with strategies, humor, and attitude!
  • Happenstance? (Balance & Resilience)
    Do you ever feel like you’re standing on one leg and flailing your arms wildly about just to stay upright? The responsibility for balancing success and personal happiness is yours alone. Balance and realistic self-esteem begin with insights that often come our way in unexpected “happenstances.” LeBlanc IS that happenstance. She’ll bring about abrupt, positive attitude changes and lead you towards clear-eyed self-examination and sharper, realistic goals. Balance consists of building on strengths and finding your own special niche. Attendees will gain a new perspective on making good decisions and getting a bigger bite out of life. And . . . these wonderful changes will remain long after she is gone!
  • The Wow Factor (Personal/Professional Excellence)
    Warning: Getting too comfortable with today’s success is a death sentence. The comfort zone can quickly become the deadly zone. LeBlanc presents how to elevate your flight pattern and set higher goals, while moving beyond where you are today to meet the future’s unpredictable demands. Don’t be tricked by the limiting belief systems that most of us have been carrying around for years. You’ll learn the concept of intelligent, risk-taking, and how it adds zest and sparks, which produce clear-sighted strategies and actions that lead a team to the WOW factor—unimaginable, profitable growth!
  • Make It Yours and Make It Count (Staying Positive in a Negative World.)
    Change presents our most constant challenge as well as our greatest opportunity. We resist change even as we speed towards it. Learn how to compete, lead and work smarter, all the while keeping up, getting ahead, keeping sanity intact, and increasing your value for a victorious future! Staying up and motivated during down times is central to pushing the edge in today’s unpredictable economy. Renewed purposefulness can create a vastly different and far more profitable scenario than merely spinning your wheels and remaining on a “status quo plateau.”
  • The Superbowl (Leadership, Motivation, Team Building)
    Here it is: the success-seeker’s definitive edge. Your own unique insights and the ways you activate them are your master keys to success. You’ll learn to release strengths you never knew you possessed and construct more purposeful leadership. Playing to your strengths forms an internal alliance with your team and your market. Making your differences memorable and profitable as you strive for masterful impact which will protect you from copycats and piracy. This, in and of itself, will propel you beyond your competition! When you create a planned team environment, extraordinary performance becomes a daily occurrence. LeBlanc opens the gates to “aha” solutions that everyone will grasp, discuss, and use to move ever forward towards the playoffs, then finally the Superbowl.

Above are only a few examples of what Deborah LeBlanc has taught before multitudes of people over the years. She easily adapts each presentation to meet the unique challenges faced by your organization. In today’s world, no corporation goes unscathed. Whatever issues are keeping you from the growth and financial success you desire, Deborah will personally gather the tools needed to set you and your organization free, turning your desires into reality.

Crowd and fans taking photographs on mobile phones at a red carpet film premiere
Group of fans watching a sports event in the stands of a stadium. Group of men and women spectators cheering for their team victory.
Businesswoman giving speech in front of backlit audience on light yellow background. Speaker and motivation concept